The Gordon Pask Award

The Pask Committee have given the Gordon Pask award to me this year for deepening existing ideas and coming up with some pretty crazy ones of my own.

I can only do this because of the fortune I have in my communities, including some great coaches on either side of the pond, the Extreme Tuesday Club, Thoughtworkers and alumni, and the wonderful online communities in Lean and BDD.

My communities give me a safe place in which to play and get feedback. I am a member of a community of thinkers, and if I should happen to be a catalyst more than others, I consider that to be a tribute to those who have inspired me. This is as much a measure of your success as of mine. Thank you all.

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4 Responses to The Gordon Pask Award

  1. Pingback: On Winning the Gordon Pask Award at Agile2010 « Test Obsessed

  2. Lisa Crispin says:

    I was beyond thrilled to hear you and Elisabeth won the Pask Awards this year!

    I heard about it after I was in your session “BDD for Life” – which gave me so much food for thought, really a huge mindshift for me, and I came away from it thinking, “Liz is so innovative, these are truly life lessons, not just for our jobs!” It is wonderful to see this kind of leadership recognized and celebrated


  3. Congradulations! So great to see you two win.. could not be happier. I’ve been banging the BDD drum (and infecting my company with it) for about two years now, and it’s so great to see someone who’s a sort of pioneer in that area being honored like this..

    “women and testers” indeed..

  4. Pingback: Standing on the shoulders of giants | Yves Hanoulle

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